News Release
March 24, 2005
Bella Chagall Meyer, grand-daughter of the famous artist Marc Chagall, will be the featured speaker at an April 3 event in Palm Beach honoring the Americans who rescued Chagall from the Nazis.
The gala cultural event will be held at the prestigious Wally Findlay Galleries at 165 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, on April 3. It will include a sale and exhibit of important Jewish artists, including Chagall; a cocktail reception at 6:00 pm; and a private dinner with Ms. Chagall-Meyer at 8:00 pm
The event will benefit The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, a research and public education institute that focuses on America’s response to the Holocaust and Americans who promoted rescue. The April 3 event will pay tribute to the Holocaust rescue hero Varian Fry, who, in 1940-41, travelled from New York to rescue several thousand artists, writers and musicians — including Marc Chagall– from the Nazi puppet regime of Vichy France.
Among those rescued by Fry, in addition to Chagall, were such cultural luminaries as Hannah Arendt, Andre Breton, Marcel Duchamp, Franz Werfel , Jacques Lipchitz, Max Ernst, Lion Feuchtwanger , Heinrich Mann, Alma Mahler.
James R. Borynack, chairman and CEO of Wally Findlay Galleries International, Inc. is co-chairman of the event along with Robin Bernstein and Rita Stein.